Count me among the cynics as well. When I was in college in the early 60's, ZPG (Zero Population Growth ) was a hot topic and accepted dictum. The Chinese adopted similar philosophies with their one child per family policy. We knew about oils diminishing supply, air pollution, earth day came and went, Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the white house. Nothing has or will happen that will save us. If you look at the animal world, any species that reproduces itself with the kind of statistical abundance we have, sooner or later suffers radical correction in number. We are really not so special that we should differentiate ourselves from the birds or squirrels or caged mice in a limited environment allowed and encouraged to reproduce in an unlimited fashion. Sooner or later they start to eat their young, become homosexual, get sick, and go nuts. Sound familiar ? Draw a graph of human population numbers over the past 50,000 years. It's pretty steady for the first 47,000, then starts a rapidly ascending curve for the next 2500 until the last 500 when the graph will go off the scale.
Humans are f@#$%# ! No tool ( ie technology ) will save us. Get a good fuel efficient vehicle, lay in a good supply of firewood, have enough land to do some subsistence farming, to trade for fuel and hang on for as long as you can. It won't be pretty, we can only make the best of it. Enjoy while you still can.