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Old 03-31-2011, 05:40 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by gtkid2002 View Post
Yeah. I'm not sure if I should allow compensation for if I hit a speedbump or if I hit a pothole, as stupid as that sounds. I'm thinking of this thing for being used only for highway and some mild city use, so the suspension wouldn't be being used much.

Although it would be kinda cool to have it be fiberglass or something till the last four to six inches between the body and the road, and extend it down to about two inches or so of easily replaceable chloroplast or something for makeshift wheel pants (I really didn't know that's what they were called. Kind of a silly name, but it fits!). Or cardboard so it's recyclable, and if it does scrape off, it'll be a bit more biodegradeable than a Styrofoam cup, haha. I guess I have to keep in mind that I will use a socket wrench for a hammer now and then. Probably should design the car for higher clearances so it doesn't get the belly pan raped every time I take it up a steep driveway.

I know my skillz aren't anywhere near the caliber of some of the stuff Botsapper posted, but they should be enough to make a roll cage with a skin. That's basically all I'm doing.

Although I still have no clue how the crap I'm going to make doors. That is the only thing that concerns me. I should be keeping the original VW doors, so I could always repurpose those hinges or maybe even a good portion of the door. Make it so it uses the stock window, but chop the top part so it only goes halfway up or something.

Another thing has me wondering - Could I get away with using Plexi for the windows on this, or does it -have- to be safety glass? If I can use Plexi, I will for as much as I can, but if I must use the original windows, then chances are this thing will have funny looking windows.

I was playing with that online fluid program a bit more, and I ended up making a design that didn't seem to do too badly. It kinda looks like a messed up ice cream cone. Here's a link.

I know the aerodynamics are different, but I figure if rockets can use pointy nose cones, why can't I, at least for testing?

Another thing - That Aerodynamic template reminded me of a Deer Hoof. Just one side of it. Randomness Achieved.
I believe that you can use Plex/Lexan for everything but the windshield,it must be laminated safety glass and clearly labeled.
With respect to 'pointy',on ballistic structures drag is ruled by shockwaves and sharp,pointed leading surfaces are a must.
On cars,up to around 250 mph,drag is ruled by separation.For below these transonic speeds,a blunt semispheric nose is adequate for satisfactory flow penetration and the fore-body should be about 1/3rd the body length.To prevent separation the air needs about twice the distance for deceleration to prevent separation.The Template does this.It is separation-free.Beyond 70% the air will form a 'phantom' boat-tail locked-vortex with the outer flow skipping over it like a solid structure.
The modified Bonneville bug pictured earlier might be inclined to swap ends.It's center of pressure would lie in front of its center of gravity.Extremely unstable!
As far as your body,you can use metal lath and plaster over bulkheads/formers and stringers,shaped foam,wood,FRP,hammered metal on tree stumps,shot bags,English-wheel,shrinker,planisher,-------------------.
Many ways to go.
In 1928 Paul Jaray took a standard Chrysler 72,unbolted the body,tossed it,and replaced with metal-on-wood body of his creation with less than half the Cd of original car.58% better mpg and half the horsepower at 60 mpg.Fun!
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