Originally Posted by Christ
Tirerack.com has the wheel weight listed for every wheel they sell. Its in the product specific descriptions. Most mfrs also have them listed and/or available somewhere. Its not a factor in the average consumer's decision making process when buying wheels. Mass and shiny/obnoxiously large aren't in the same class of thoughts.
I stand corrected visa- vis Tire Rack,... sort of. I have finally found ' product specific descriptions', ie my type of car and wheels for, and with apologies I cheer them for the listings they do indicate. This is the only site I've found doing so. However, they don't list for 'every' wheel they sell. For my car ( Audi A3 TDI ) for example weights are listed for 78% of the products shown ( a grand total of 149 ) and for this I am grateful and a sure customer.
Also being a serious shopper I have found that NO manufacturers ( and I have seen a lot of websites ) list weights. Maybe you have to call or e- mail them ? Even my Audi dealers parts dept. cant tell me the weights of any of their wheels without going to the showroom with a scale. They are not available on-line. Sort of sad. Kind of frustrating.