I've been logging some data from Vag-com and i'm a bit confused how to work out average mpg...
I'm logging KMH and L/H, then in a spreadsheet dividing kmh by l/h to get KM/L, multiply by 2.82 to get IMP MPG.
all good so far
now when i get to a spot where I am in Neutral costing, my L/H drops to 0.39 (idle) and my Km/h stays high (say 100kmh for arguements sake) now my average is 100kml and my mpg is 282 (mmm tasty).
this alone throws the average out quite a lot!!!
when i in gear coast, i get 100kmh at 0.00l/h (fuel cut off), which throws my MPG up in the infinity region (ok i get a div/0 error) even if i substitute a low value for L/H (0.0001) it's still a huge number. and my average goes incredibly high.
so for now i've been ignoring these 2 states, but how does everyone else (and more to the point cars with an average mpg display) work these out? do you get a max increment function, or is it clever stuff involving distance travelled vs fuel used over previous so many miles? (typing it out makes sense)
any ideas?