Originally Posted by 99LeCouch
Expect 20-22 mpg around town, more if your city is cool with their lights.
If you get the room and traffic, coast as much as you can. If your Regal has the 15" steel wheels, the narrower tires on them should allow for some wicked coasts.
Hahaha funny that you brought up the lights. I'm in Langley, BC, Can and I'm pretty sure the guy that sycronized the lights was half cut when he did (or didn't). It's absolutely terrible here.
I have the 16" wheels and the 225 tires. They coast really good if I'm dropping from 50km/h. The car hangs around 40 for quite a while.
Originally Posted by rmay635703
This means you can likely get away with EOC, just check your manual and the internet for your year and model. On autos it is best before EOC to let off the gas, shift to neutral, let the GPH measure on the scanguage fall a bit then shut off. Remember though that you can't accurately measure your gains without an injector kill because mileage won't be counted for much of this process.
Firstly I just want to say thanks for the detailed post. It's nice to see people helpin each other out.
I've thought about EOC but am kind of nervous to do it. I've done a little bit of it when I'm coming up to a traffic light on my commute which stays red for over a minute and a half. I wasn't doing more than 20 km/h before killing the engine though.
If I kill it before letting it wind down what happens? I've noticed sometimes when I shut of the car at a light it stumbles a bit when I start it but other times it shoots back alive. Do you know what might be causing this? I've pretty much stopped shutting my car off at lights because of it.
Originally Posted by rmay635703
It will become hard to steer (if you don't understand and expect it) and you only get about 3 power braking actions. (I can still stop without power brakes by leaning into it a bit)
That said I can steer my full size dodge ram truck without power steering with motor off (takes a bit of elbow grease).
I noticed that when I was pulling up to that light. I only needed to veer very slightly so I was lucky because at the time I didn't know about the power steering shutting off, or this site even.
Originally Posted by rmay635703
With practice I think you can do 2-4 mpg better than your current average, but it takes some concentration and planning.
Seems optimistic but hopefully reachable. I absolutely hate doing little trips here and there because it takes my car about 10 miles before the auto-choke shuts off. If I'm only driving 12-20 miles I never make it up. I try and take my motorcycle for those short trips.
Hopefully the weather is decent this summer so I can put storage insurance on the car and ride my bike all summer. $320/month to insure them both is killing me.