Hi Gabi,
I think this is a great idea to test out. I don't know what car you're going to modify, but most cars with alternators have a voltage regulator somewhere to regulate the alternator. The alternator will supply an almost constant voltage (about 14 volts) to the electrical system if it is rotating fast enough. That means if there is a load the alternator increases its current output to match the load. It is as instantaneous as can be.
If you are thinking of the 10.5 volt Li booster thingy, then as soon as you plug it in the alternator will be trying to bring it up to 14 volts. It should look like a hefty load, until something melts.
Originally Posted by gabi
i still want to do this , but i still couldnt find if the alternator comes on instantly when extra power is draw,or the power will come from the battery and the alternator will kick in later to top off the loss
i have a battery gauge in my car ,and it shows less voltage instantly when i add extra load, and comes back up instantly when the load is reduced,
the only question is if this is battery itself,or the alternator, or a combination of both?