Originally Posted by flores
I guess the current is to small to measure.. then the controller will automatically increase the duty cycle
You might consider using one of the current sensors from Device Tech. They sell the small current sensors on FleaBay for under $10, shipping included.
They have a round 1/4" aperture, which is appropriate for their measurement rating. If you have a low current motor and need more measurement sensitivity you can loop the wire through the toroid a few times.
They run on 4.5-6.0V with the same centered ratiometric output of the LEM sensor. Ratiometric means that the output scales with the supply voltage: with a 5.00V supply the no-current output is 2.50V, with a 4.80V supply the output is 2.40V. This exactly what you want if the reference voltage for the A/D converter is the same as the supply voltage.
One aspect that is nicer than the LEM sensors is their lower power draw, with a disable input that puts the sensor in a micro-power off mode.