#defines to build for ELM?
My first post here. Many thanks to those who are sharing their work. This is my first use of OBD, etc.
I have an arduino up and running with the latest OBDuino32K code, connected to an ELM and to my 2004 Pontiac Vibe. It reports via the arduino and the LCD that the car's OBD protocol is ISO 9141-2, so basic car-ELM-Arduino communication is going I believe.
But no engine operation parameters are being reported (like RPM, etc.). All values on the LCD just sit at zero. I think maybe I am confused about what compile-time #defines I should set.
I first just turned on
#define ELM
but then found that compilation would not complete unless I turned off
#define useECUState
( this is because the variable boolean ECUconnection is #ifdef'd out if ELM is #defined, at line appx 937 - if I force definition of variable ECUconnection, compilation completes)
But the #ifdef logic in the function
boolean verifyECUAlive(void)
suggests that ELM can be defined along with useECUState.
I left the default compile setting of
#define ISO_9141
turned on, since my car is reporting ISO 9141-2 as it's protocol.
Looking through the code hasn't cleared things up for me. I feel like I need to understand the use of and interactions between #define ELM, #define useECUState, and #define ISO_9141, but maybe I am going down the wrong path. Any suggestions? Maybe I just need to get into the code more, which would be fine.