Originally Posted by Hubert Farnsworth
...however the gear ratio is fixed..
Depending on the car, it may be somewhat trivial to change the gear ratio. It is about $20 and a trip to the u-pull-it for my saturn to get a taller 5th gear.
My rabbit was pretty easy too, but needed more careful adjustment than the saturn when reinstalling the 5th shift fork (still could do it in the car).
*maybe* you have a C transmission, and can get a .725 5th gear out of a corolla or a tercel or a yaris? It might take some research to be certain:
Toyota C transmission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taller drive tires are another option, which may or may not affect drag, as well as swapping in a used tranny with better ratios (and a new clutch disk and throwout bearing while you are there)
There is no inherent scope to modding
P.S. if you need 50hp to cruise, you are driving a barn