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Old 04-10-2011, 08:40 AM   #3 (permalink)
Tire Geek
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First, the source of your problem is mis-alignment. That's what caused the tires to develop the uneven wear pattern. But not rotating them frequently allowed the mis-alignment to wear the tire to the point where it became noticeable. Had you rotated the tires more often, the problem would not be very bad.

So your first step is to get an alignment. Your second step is to rotate your tires so that they are in a different position and wait and see if the old wear pattern gets erased. This may take several thousand km's. If you waited too long, it might not get erased at all.

Cross rotating the tires isn't a bad idea, but it probably is not going to help much as the real problem was the mis-alignment, and you aren't reversing that!
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