Originally Posted by gasman
I've seen several mentions of that nut behind the wheel... can you please elaborate or post a link?
In a nutshell,
these are the secrets to adjusting the nut behind the wheel. Technique is everything. The more you can incorporate good driving habits, the better your mpg. With a manual transmission, 50% over the new EPA combined numbers is possible with a mix of easy techniques like gentle, smooth, disciplined used of the gas pedal, increased following distances, looking further down the road, "driving without brakes", and DWL (Driving With Load), and more advanced techniques like pulse and glide, EOC (Engine Off Coasting), and turning your car off at stoplights. I don't know any eco-mod that can equal the gains you can get out of having a well rounded arsenal of driving techniques put to use.
Oh, and if you're still not getting it, YOU are the nut behind the wheel.