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Old 04-11-2011, 12:09 PM   #81 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Queensland Australia
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Thanks for that Saand. I stopped playing around with my 2 cyl as winter came and haven't really started up yet as I've got another 2 projects to complete before getting to this one.
My 2cyl Accord is a 94 and is OBD1 and aside from the CEL Check Engine Light (which has not come on by the way) to report it's functioning I'm pretty much flying blind. I've bought a 95 that I want to do my final mods to but again it is only OBD1 so I will need to convert it to OBD2 so I can get all of the cool reporting including MPG...

Before I do the final conversion I will be all of my trials on another one which is a 96 (it is OBD2).

OK, so this is what I am planning.

With my trusty OBD2 logger I will do consumption and usability tests on 3 combinations of cylinders (1and4, 2and3, and either 1and3 or 2and4). The crank on the accord has 1and4 up while 2and3 are down, so 1and3 or 2and4 should give the same result. These will be done simply removing the injectors. Whichever configuration gives me the lower consumption and better usability I will build into the final mod. What I am looking for is for my ECU to be able to run in closed-loop mode and for the CEL to remain off.
If my ECU is able to go into closed-loop mode then I know that my engine is running efficiently and all I've got to do from then on is use the power I've got efficiently.

The final mod -
I will remove the rockers as previously described simply MIG welding the oil passages closed, and remove the pistons installing hose clamps on the bearing surfaces to close out the oil passages on the crank.

Then I will do a full range of tests utilising my trusty OBD2 logger and document the lot.

UNDERSTOOD - I know that the performance will not be optimal and that it will take me longer to pull away from the lights. I recognise that I might have to go up a size on my injectors as the 2 cylinders will need to be able to work harder than before.

I'll keep you posted.


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