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Old 04-12-2011, 07:17 AM   #275 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zerohour View Post
Some good insight. I think my current plugs have ~15K on them with the engine at ~92K-93K.

With your .50 gap, it is possible that you may be getting a better burn at your freeway cruising rpm. The ideal spark plug would be able to adapt to the conditions inside the cylinder. It may be possible a wider gap is giving you a cleaner, more complete burn when under load.

Since you have three posts, I'm wondering how long have you been accurately tracking fuel mileage? I could put down 24-26mpg winter and 26-28 spring just by temperature changes alone. I also would put down 18-23mpg gallon tanks before I toned down the aggressive driving.
Well while I haven't done the full A-B-A and haven't diligently tracked the first 'A' in any kind of journal, I have tested the fuel economy (miles/gallons pumped at the click) after my 60K service very frequently with different gas stations (and sometimes with the same one, with the same pump, same driving style) and it's always been a disappointing 24.something mpg. Since widening the plug gap I have been very diligent about keeping a log (in a memo on my cellphone), and here's the log:
26.5 (latest)

One thing to keep in mind is the temps here have been rising; while I don't personally believe that has a huge amount of influence on my vehicle (I don't recall my FE being better in the summer than in the winter with past experiences) it provides an opportune time to try the last 'A' test, regapping the V-Power's to .043" and seeing how things fare then. I will post an update when I do that.
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