Originally Posted by Frank Lee
At the grocery- without actually comparing year-old receipts to today's- I'd say prices have gone up somewhere between 0 and 20, maybe 25 percent... hard to say because of the wild (+20%) fluctuation grocery store prices have ALWAYS had week-to-week, but easy to say it's nowhere near 50 or 100 or 200 percent like some allude to.
Yeah, that's about what I see, maybe 20% at most. So I have to wonder what or where the 200% folks eat: upscale restaurants, maybe? Or maybe it's increased prices of chips and soda pop?
As for feeding their families, maybe they should learn to cook. I noticed the store had pinto beans on sale at $0.38/lb. Onions & potatos are pretty cheap, too. Add them together, and you can make some pretty cheap & filling stews. For fruit, oranges were on sale at $0.18/lb...
...and I'm like, yeah, if gas went to $10/gallon I'd have to fork over another $60 IN A MONTH.
I do have to admit, I'm pretty upset about this. I'd gotten used to just putting $20 worth in the Insight (the el Cheapo station I sometimes pass has the pumps that take bills, and charge less than with a credit card), and having it last me about a month. Last time I didn't even make it three weeks - financial disaster is looming!