Originally Posted by winkosmosis
The blister can be shaped to optimally, the bubble is shaped according to the airflow and the pressure... like a raindrop, which people think is "teardrop" shaped, but in reality is not aerodynamic at all.
We know it's enough force to matter because cars designed to be as aerodynamic as possible have a shallow windshield and a steep hood to the point that they're nearly the same, eliminating any bubble.
20° average slope windshield
If you'll do a search for this thread and location you'll find a 3-series photo montage of the 1st-gen Golf/Rabbit.This is earlier than Varn's Jetta,and you'll see that with the angled hood/windshield intersection,the air just goes around all of it.There is no discernible 'bubble' except in front of the 'ideal' nose.The air goes around the blunt nose as if it were shaped like a Hershey's Kisses.