Just another data point:
I tried Airtabs on the back of the topper for my pickup. 18 were mounted, 10 across the top and 4 on each side. I left them on for about four weeks. I didn't do any formal A-B-A testing, just my normal driving.
The result: If anything, they seemed to hurt fuel economy by about 1 mpg. The fill ups that were closest to identical driving conditions in my fuel log (Grayranger) were 3-15-11 with Airtabs and 4-6-11 without. The tanks between when the log says the back was changed and when the back was returned to original are with Airtabs (2-24-11 to 3-23-11).
But everyone who saw them said they looked cool. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean much to me. So they have been removed.