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Old 04-14-2011, 01:04 AM   #1 (permalink)
Cyborg ECU
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Question WAI A-B-A test (design and execution)

I think I am almost ready to do a test that a few posts on this forum have called for but it seems none yet has tried or written up. I want to ABA test my WAI against the stock intake. I want to make it as effective a test as possible, so this thread is first to ask the forum for input/advice on how to do it, and then I will post my results. I have become a bit more skeptical of the WAI as I have been choosing my gauges and displays. Briefly, coolant temp and intake temp do not seem very clearly to correlate with G/H. Well, coolant temp does somewhat. Sixty-eight degree coolant this morning seemed to mean .40 G/H at idle. A warmer engine meant a lower G/H reading. But IAT does not seem to correlate as closely. I have seen .14 G/H with an IAT of 96. I have seen .14 with an IAT on 114. And also at 129. Though I think maybe the lower G/H figures are more frequently reached at warmer IAT readings, I wonder how much of a difference this really makes.

My plan for the test is simple enough. I have an 8-10 mile stretch of freeway to drive at a lower traffic time. It's quite flat and in good shape. I figure I'll drive the northbound and south bound loop once with the WAI (since it is installed) for an "A" then remove it to drive the loop for a "B" and then reinstall the WAI for another "A" loop.

Tips? Warnings? What am I not understanding about executing the test reliably?

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