albyneau -
Originally Posted by albyneau
Thanks Carlo~ but yer tellin me old news. I've been working/building/programming computers since the only color you could get was monitor yellow. You can help us ALL out by telling us what YOUR timer's set at, so I know how to handle the situation. That is NOT too much to ask....
I'm just an unpaid volunteer moderator, I don't *know* what the timeout is. If you look at the bottom of the page you will see this software version :
vBulletin Version 3.8.6
You can R&D the behavior of this software for typical timeouts. You can also do your own test to figure out the timeout by using a binary time search.
We get this complaint from time to time. In my experience, the timeouts mostly occur when people don't check the "Remember Me?" box. That is why I gave you that advice. What is your web browser and version thereof?