I agree totally with the experienced voices chiming-in about small gains collectively making a big difference. I have been taking that kind of advice from this forum for weeks, and I am up to an average MPG in the mid-fifties (combined driving). I am using internal convex mirrors to replace both outside mirrors. I think that 3-6% savings is significant. Anyway, I am close to buying a spoon-type mirror to replace the drivers side, retractable on the freeway. That is only because of police, since it MIGHT not be legal in CA, where the law is vague as to whether the mirror must be outside on the driver's side. I will say with my two convex mirrors and modifications in my behavior as to how I check for lane changes, I believe there is no safety risk. I have no blind spots in my field of vision behind the car. In fact, I see more to the sides as well. But don't take my word for it. I give no legal advice or driving advice with this here email.