I made a belly pan to go under the nose, and it helped a bit. Took a trip to Rockland, and it got 64 mpg...would have done even better, but I was following my uncle on the return trip, and he was doing 75 mph most of the time. The next fillup netted 60.6 mpg, but I ran some errands and got caught in some construction traffic a couple of times this week, which I'm sure didn't help my mileage. Still, I'm getting better at squeezing more fuel mileage out of it, and having a good time doing it!
After I run this for awhile, I'm going to build a belly pan to go between the rear suspension and under the rear bumper and see how that works. I'm also looking at some of the smooth wheel cover ideas, as I have a complete set of Saturn wheel covers that would be ideal for this project.