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Old 04-16-2011, 04:26 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 236

bugler - '91 Mazda 626
90 day: 35.89 mpg (US)
Thanks: 15
Thanked 25 Times in 22 Posts
The aero mods i have done are, windscreen wiper cover (which i have placed pictures on the wiki), Wheel covers (plenty of examples on the wiki) but i can put mine up if you are interested, belly pan (mine is done fairly badly but there are several examples on the wiki as well). I may take some full car pics if i get time tomorrow.
I have considered a boat tail but i just cant bring myself to do it. I will get way too many looks on the road so i have decided to not install a boat tail. I may however make a airflow trip feature.

you are right, some of them are hair splitting, The electrical ones i did because they were easy only took a minute or 2. They are of some advantage because i have alternator disabling so every bit of power i use causes more energy to be taken from the engine as i only turn on the alternator when required.
Regarding door lights, this is not a safety issue as they are internal. The break lights are ok because there are still 2 rear break lights i just disabled the 3rd one.
Thanks for the info on LED lights from ebay, i shall be looking for these soon.

I should have mentioned i do have an fuel meter which i developed myself (i am an elec engineer) Which works just as good as a mpguino and allows me to datalog the fuel usage

Also yes I am P&Ging. I think that has provided my highest gain of all. If only I had a manual and could bump start the engine after P&G then I would be able to turn the engine off during pulse.
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