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Old 04-17-2011, 05:12 PM   #5 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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Silver - '10 Chevy Cobalt XFE
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He racks up a lot of miles and many of them on my vehicles. (we run them into the ground real good)

He has the habit of buzzing around town, no way of getting him to stop either. My good habits seemed to take hold of him for a little bit and now he wants to just drive and slam on the brakes like he always did. He also doesn't believe my mileage slips, not sure what his denial BS is about. I have to keep them every time for business records, seems that the odometer and the fuel slip don't lie.

My Subaru 360 with a fuel leak in the winter and my father driving usually got mid to upper 30's with a few dips into the low 30's when he didn't drive it much and more fuel had a chance to escape. Compared to me getting high 40's to low 50's with the same fuel leak and mild hypermiling around town only.

I would hope a 4cycle car would beat my subaru, but maybe not. Given the way he drives, the Clubman would probably get in the 20's and the Citroen in the 30's. And yes a citroen can top 60mpg with a bit of hypermiling and low speeds. (not that much though)

I guess if he just wants a fun car the only deciding factor is drivetrain reliability.

The likehood of rust I can deal with but mechanics, no way too time consuming and costly on those type of cars.

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