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Old 04-18-2011, 12:12 AM   #507 (permalink)
The $500 Electric Car
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Originally Posted by bennelson View Post
Hee Hee.

Sorry, I laughed out loud when I read your last post.

My wife asked what I was doing that I was laughing. I explained to her "been there, done that...".

Seriously, the only major thing to ever go wrong on my car was the coupler! My original design eventually went bad. Set-screws and misalignment. User error.

I was just driving along and it quit working.

I then made a new, improved version of the coupler - WELDED together. Works great.
I figured you would get a kick out of this. I remember reading your Lovejoy coupler issues....

I have to say that things went really smoothly. The adapter plate now looks like an adapter plate instead of a square piece of steel with holes in it. The coupler has been welded together and the place where there were two set screws to keep it moving from side to side now has FIVE set screws: four opposite each other and one going in slanted to the end of the motor shaft to keep it from moving outwards. Not that these set screws were an issue in the first place, because it was the coupler separating in two that was the issue, and that has been welded. I don't believe that the coupler will be an issue again. I was shocked at how easily the motor slipped on this time. Slid right on the first shot! Took all of like two minutes. The newly trimmed adapter plate made all the difference.
It's weird, I have all these other projects that need to get done: clutch in the green Geo, wheel bearing in the white Geo, but every weekend I skip it. When there is something I can tinker with in the EV, I won't stop until it's done....
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