Originally Posted by bobski
Personally, I would like to get both the character display and buttons on the I2C bus. That way the Arduino "brain" could be located where ever is convenient (close to the ECM, somewhere central behind the dash, whatever) while the display and buttons are situated in easy view/reach,
Im not following your hardware software discussion here, BUT.
I too was thinking of moving my display and buttons to a nice job-box on the dash, and moving the brains of the operation to a cooler location. This might eliminate some people's units getting too hot, or how some people are trying to add in a fan to cool the unit.
I don't know if my freezing problems are from a bad chip, bad board, too much heat, software glitch. But I thought this would be somehthing to try. Can you just de-solder the buttons and the lcd and then solder on long wires and run them back to where they were soldered on the board? That was my intent.