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Old 04-18-2011, 11:36 PM   #26 (permalink)
5 Gears of Fury
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Vancouver B.C., Canada
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Spunky - '90 Honda Civic CX
90 day: 35.56 mpg (US)
Thanks: 175
Thanked 176 Times in 137 Posts
1. Fuel is heavy, at about 6 pounds a gallon, your car has ( I think ) a 10 gallon tank, so only filling it half way should save 30 pounds.

2. Are you eating 3 Big Macs as you read this? Taking 50 pounds off the driver is taking 50 pounds out of the car lol!
"Don't look for one place to lose 100 pounds, look for 1600 places to lose an ounce." - Tony DeFeo
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