Cool! You got a reading! So did you go with an aluminum ball? Is it already calibrated?
re trapped air, don't know. I left it there as an accumulator so the pump and switch don't have to cycle so much. I will probably try adjusting the switch pressure down to get more pump cycles, and thus more data samples, but not so much that i'm clacking the pressure switch at 60HZ
I'm not convinced that it matters how many strokes there are in a pump cycle though. Except if you are trying to get close to real-time data.
Bike meter, yup, touching the leads together works. Leave a pigtail on the reed switch and hang on to the magnet, they could be useful yet.
Oh, I picked these up for a couple bucks a piece. But unfortunately they are 120 volt (6 watts, 1.6kohm coil) and I have to rewind the coils for 12 volt operation, still figuring that out. But I like 'em and think they would make an interesting addition to the bike, one for tank trip and one for current trip fuel consumption
They would just hook up in parallel with the pump and count the pump cycles.