Thread: Hit by a deer
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Old 05-04-2008, 01:40 AM   #7 (permalink)
Giant Moving Eco-Wall
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I've been seeing a lot of deer lately, saw one on the roadside tonite, and was glad it didn't decide to cross.

My friend had a close call in his geo metro convertible the other day. He was driving back home and he saw a whole bunch of deer running across the road. He didn't have time to stop, so he turned to the left at just the right time on accident and went in-between two of them. He was doing 55-60, he said he slowed down to about 45 after that and was watching very closely to the windshield for deer. They really need to make deer barriers or something.

Yea.. I drive a Jeep and I'm on a fuel economy site, but you just wouldn't understand... "It's a Jeep thing!" *Jeep Wave*

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