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Old 04-20-2011, 11:33 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by steffen707 View Post
I checked the honda manual and on 11-94 it says "Idle Control System Troubleshooting Flowchart M/T Clutch Switch Signal D15z1 Engine. This signals the ECU when the clutch is engaged.

1. Voltage between the B7 and A26 pins should be less than 1 volt with the clutch pedal out.

2. When you step on the clutch pedal it is suppose to read about 5 volts between B7 and A26.

The one side of the clutch pedal plug goes to the pnk/blu B7 pin, and the other side is black and goes to G301 (some ground, I didn't locate that yet in the schematics).

Now i just wonder if the switch is normally open or normally closed....

I read that if you measure voltage between pnk/black on the connector and body ground with the connector unplugged from the switch and ignition on, there should be approx. 5 volts.

This makes me think that the switch is normally open when clutch pedal is up, and it closes the circuit between ground and B7 when the pedal is pressed just like in step 2 above.

So for most people that do this and don't hook up b7 to anything, it makes the ecu think the clutch is always engaged. If you grounded this wire constantly, it would make the ecu think the clutch pedal was always in the down position.

Does anybody agree with my analysis of what the manual says?
I disagree.. When the clutch is released, the switch has continuity.. A COMMON issue with this switch is that despite the clutch being released, the circuit remains incomplete (open). This was a problem for me because this same switch is used for the cruise control and if the circuit is not complete, the cruise control assumes that you've touched the clutch and therefore cannot engage the cruise control. The switch is depressed when the clutch is released and when the switch is depressed, it completes the circuit. This switch is also used as a way to adjust the clutch pedal height.
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