Originally Posted by dcb
But folks are more interested in completely rewriting things (sometimes blindly)... It aint broken. Heck, it has an event scheduler.
I'm no programmer, but i believe Falcon4 just felt that cleaning up the code would make it easier for future open source coding, adding of new features, making the UI more refined and easier for regular folk. Also making software updates easier for regular folks as well.
He and all of us praise your efforts and amazing gauge as it has made our ecomodding efforts easier and more quantifiable.
If Falcon4's software changes don't make the gauge work better/easier/more efficient, then you are right, if it wasn't broken why fix it, and then people won't update to Falcon4s new software on your Opengauge. But he has already showed that his mods, clock, miles to empty tank, tank figures, easier configure menu, and duck mod are all very useful. Well except the Duck!
I think his efforts will prove to be useful and since this was started as an opengauge, open software, open architecture project, he is openly trying to better said project.