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Old 04-21-2011, 10:27 PM   #15 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: United States
Posts: 26

always seem to be in front of you - '03 VW Jetta Sportwagon
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OMG Phamtom...that all is just crazy talk...=)~
...but in the AM I'm gonna fill the tank and see what happens. Actually, I might take a ride and visit the fambly this weekend for a full tank will get used over the course of the trip, plus some back at home.
Actually, once I already got from my place in NH, across VT, to my folks' place in upstate NY...and BACK to NH...with enough gas to get to work in the morning. This isn't a big deal...425 miles, NH-NY-NH...I actually did this with my Tacoma as well (with a load of firewood on the back)...but with the Vdub it's do-able, repeatable *and* able to be improved upon.
Supposing the owners' manual and my VW mechanic are correct...the tank holds 14.5 gals including 1.9 gallons in reserve...I'm gonna shoot for 460 miles (NH to NY and back + home to work 1X) on one tank (before the reserve)...that should be +/- 36.5 mpg. That would make me wicked the Easter bunny left me a six pack of Cadbury eggs and a bottle of Baileys.
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