The micro expects a 2.5v v ref signal if no current is flowing. You can simulate this with two 1k resistors across the 5v line with the center tap going to the vref input.
In other news I have made a start on the controller for the bike. I'm calling it the revoliton jr

I'm using 2 of the powerex cm400du 400A 600V parts. I'm videoing this build and the liquid cooled revoliton 0.9 monster. So far i have over 90 minutes of video. I expect over 3 hours when done. I plan to upload the highlights to youtube and if anyone wants a dvd just ask. That way you can inflict the pain of listening to me drone on for 3 hours on your friends

Now, Cole, when you shift the gear and that little needle on the ammeter goes into the red and reads 2000 Amps, that's bad.