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Old 04-22-2011, 10:59 PM   #2 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Location: Western Wisconsin
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honda cb125 - '74 Honda CB 125 S1
90 day: 79.71 mpg (US)

green wedge - '81 Commuter Vehicles Inc. Commuti-Car

Blue VX - '93 Honda Civic VX
Thanks: 867
Thanked 434 Times in 354 Posts
I'm a big fan of the Civic's, my room mate has a 2000 Jetta as does the guy next door, the guy next door also has two new beetles that he says have the same engines as the Jetta and he is working on one of his 3 VW's every weekend, my room mate is also always having issues with his, all 4 cars have had spark plug coil packs go out repeatedly, the starters have a dumb design to them that can cause it to need to be rebuilt more often then you'd think and there were other problems that causes the car to be taken to the dealership to fix because no one else wanted to touch them, but with that all said they still love the cars and would buy another, if they could afford to keep them on the road.
I on the other hand have had great luck with every civic I have owned and have never had an expensive repair, even replacing the CV joints on the civic is easy compared to the VW, with VW having their own 10 point star shaped torx wrench that no one else makes and Honda holds their CV joint in with a snap wring... 3-4 hours to change the axle on a VW and 30-45 minutes on a Honda.
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