Thread: Saturn bellypan
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Old 04-23-2011, 05:26 PM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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So that's a diesel KIA, pretty cool, segmented pans, I like that. Reading some of that text they refer to engine management. Speaking of that, does anyone know how to keep a Saturn from fast idling when in moving in neutral, that bugs the hell out of me, wastes fuel big time I would think.

When moving at all, in neutral, the ECM boosts the idle to about 1300 - 1400 RMP's, instead of the usual idle of about 900 RPM's. Unless there is something going on with the EGR I'm not aware of, this can't be efficient. This thing is so much cleaner it will coast forever in neutral, at a fast idle. None of my other vehicles do this. Is there anyway to lower the idle when coasting?
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