Originally Posted by MetroMPG
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Mr Smalls: will definitely report back on EGR condition when I get to that task.
I had one misgiving about the Prius EGR and that was and remains the EGR cooler. In the 1970s we had a Plymouth Fury, 400 ci, station wagon and it had a "heat riser" tube that I had a chance to examine. With over 100,000 miles, it was totally blocked by carbon. This remains a real fear I have with our 2010 Prius because the exhaust tap is before the catalytic converter.
My wife's 2010 Prius is at 18,250 miles and I'm planning another transaxle oil change and test. But around 50,000 miles, I plan to disassemble the EGR cooler and measure the carbon deposits on every pipe. I do not want to learn the ERG is blocked ... after the fact.
Bob Wilson