Thread: Hello All
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Old 04-25-2011, 12:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
Diesel Addict/No Cure
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StolenHoopty - '90 Honda Accord EX

HvyDrnkr - '93 Cadillac Seville
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Hello All

My name is Steve Ross and much like many of you, I have been on a quest for the big mpg. I have been involved with high performance vehicles virtually all my life, and have been an owner/operator truck driver.
After suffering badly in 2007 when fuel prices went out of control, and again within the last couple of years, I have had to reevaluate everything that surrounded work and my hobby. It just doesn't seem right that after all these years, we haven't made the big strides in fuel efficiency ( and consequent clean emissions ) that were predicted 80 years ago by a GM exec. I get that it's a big money game and that a lot of the technologies have been suppressed and inventors have been killed. I get the whole geopolitical hustle.

I am looking for solutions that will help fleet owners and regular folks get back on their feet. The answers have always been there, and since the price for fuel has skyrocketed again, have to be implemented now.

I look forward to collaborating with you fellow members.

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