Originally Posted by dcb
msc, a clock would be "nice" but I can't see replacing trip or instant mpg with it or other efficiency parameters. Of course it is open source so you don't need to talk about it, you can just do it and see if it sticks. Just post a patch in the wiki on how to do it. It looks like that is the boat I am in for cda and bsfc.
I would agree that if the clock code took up so much space that you would have to delete some other features, then you should get rid of the clock; however, I thought Falcon4 said that there is plenty of room on the new larger chip, therefor, since he already has a very stable (4 weeks and counting accurate clock code for v.86), then you might as well incorporate it into the new gauge as some people, myself included would find it useful.
Not everybody has a clock or cd player in their car that is going to use mpguino. I want one in my drag crx to tell me MPH, mpg and time. Very cheap speedometer if one doesn't want a typical speedometer in their car. My drag car will only have a 5inch tach, no other gauges except for a hondata controlled check engine light, then i will hook my netbook up to hondata to figure out what warning was triggered if the check engine light comes on.
So for me, a clock would be nice, because i don't have one in the car already.