Originally Posted by FalconFour
Nice list.
OK, I guess you've got some good points there. But in all fairness about 50% of those points are BS...
I am ignoring the BS, btw. Suffice it to say I've dis-proven most of your assertions already, perhaps not to your liking, but I don't care enough to spend another minute on it.
I will say I got started with GCC simply by setting build.verbose to true in Arduino preferences (and upload.verbose for an avrdude quickstart). After that it was all rather obvious (cut and paste into a batch file basically). Then I burned a bootloader using my isp to get the avrdude parameters for it. It was literally 3 minutes to reach escape velocity.
But I have said I am done discussing arduino, there is already a forum for arduino. I have have asked you nicely and repeatedly to provide a unique name however.
P.S. I got my first isp parallel cable programmer from walgreens for $3 on sale (plus some spare resistors laying about):