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Old 04-26-2011, 06:30 PM   #184 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thymeclock:
I agree, they are wasteful. You also have the right to throw your money down the toilet if you choose.

Sure. What these people don't have is a right to my sympathy, or a right to expect me to like supporting them (whether directly through welfare, or indirectly through things like mortgage bailouts) when their wasteful ways make them go broke.
This is another predictably non sequitur response in a long sequence of them.

Who asked for your sympathy? What has that got to do with anything?

If you have an issue with welfare or mortgage bailouts, the blame is directly due to government, that sponsored, endorsed and promoted those programs. Let people fail. Let them go broke. But I think you are fully aware that although unnecessary idling of a car is a minor waste of fuel, it will hardly make anyone "go broke". (And so your response is, as usual, another emotionally based diversion, as a distraction: a red herring.)

Live and let live.

But you do realize that it's supposed to be a two-way street? That the "let live" part applies to you, too?
Hey, I'm not the one who is complaining about some mommy idling her minivan. YOU are.

Neither am I one who is complaining that there are too many vehicles on the road or making my locale more congested by traffic than it used to be.

You folks that want the price of gas to rise are advocating it as a punishment for more people being able to enjoy more mobility than in the past. That's an ulterior motive, and a mean spirited, puritanical one at that. It amounts to saying "I don't need to drive much (or at all) so I want that same austerity and acerbic deprivation imposed upon everyone else. I also want everything to remain the same as it used to be, because change disturbs me." It's a position that is petty, defensive, resentful and vengeful.

So often it gets translated to some people getting to have a party, and the rest of us having to clean up the trash afterwards.
Oh, another loony analogy offered as a "translation". How non sequitur can these replies get??? Did the mommy also litter the street? If she did, go call a cop. At least there is a law against littering. But more likely it's another expression of class envy, that she can afford to be marginally wasteful in idling her car.
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