Originally Posted by Deezler
You are really going to put the rear spoiler back on ?!?! I don't understand that whatsoever. Hopefully you painted it just for resale value enhancement... right....?
The car looks cleaner and better with off anyway. Nice mods otherwise, keep 'em comin!
Plexi / lexan covers for the headlights (smooth the bumper out).
Belly pan / undertray / rear diffuser
Well, theres a bunch of big holes in the hatch where the spoiler goes, so yeah, it goes back on. And I like the spoiler anyway. As I mentioned before, I undid all my mods, because none of them did anything. So I doubt leaving the spoiler off will have any real effect. The only mod I think I'll make in the future will be a Civic VX lean burn engine swap. I'm not willing to butcher the look of my car by leaving open holes in it, putting on goofy looking lexan covers or wheel well covers or whatever.
I'm a single guy, and on occasion I'm lucky enough to have a girl in my car. I doubt they would want to get in if it looked like I was taping milk cartons to it, or if half the car was missing so I can get another half a mile per gallon.
So...anyway I do have a small update for the day. I had a couple of cars to paint, so all I could get done on my car today was getting it clean, bolting on the fenders and hood, and I repaired and primed a dent that I didn't see when I did the body work the first time around.