Originally Posted by t vago
So you'd rather we stagnate. That nice computer you have that you used to type out your ignorance is a "cluster****." Those many vehicles in your stable that you have is another "cluster****." All of this nice technology that was developed as a result of what you incorrectly call "idiotic," that enables you to live longer than people did even 50 years ago, is another "cluster****."
Hey, here's a solution - if you don't like this society that you live in that allows you to type out your bull****, and allows you to live high enough to afford numerous vehicles, then get out of this society! Go move to a worker's paradise, like in Cuba or North Korea! They certainly don't have to worry about urban sprawl or excessive consumerism.
Feeling's mutual. I would much rather prefer not to be identified as an anti-American hypocrite who slanders American servicemembers as "mercenaries" and "baby killers." I'd much rather live in a society that grows and tackles problems as they come, rather than whimper and whine about them.
By what leap of logic does one equate "no growth" with stagnation? What does technology have to do with growth? Does technology not still progress? Is it not possible for the quality of life to increase under no-growth? They are not tied together.
As for the rest of your inaccurate slanderous rant, careful, you might get an aneurysm.