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Old 04-26-2011, 11:31 PM   #194 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RobertSmalls View Post
I look at places like Europe and Japan where people have adapted to $6/gal gasoline. They have small cars, diesels, very livable cities, useful mass transit, and a culture of sharing the road with bicycles. I want to see gas prices high enough to bring these good things to America.
You want things to be "the way they used to be".

You want your cocoon to remain undisturbed. I will admit, it is more comfortable that way, and life can be disturbing. But everything has its price, including the desire to be in a cocoon.

fact, one of the biggest reasons I would like to see the price of gasoline rise is to encourage conservation, change people's attitudes about consumption, and reduce the trade deficit. I would have preferred that the price increases came from taxes instead of market forces, but I'll cheer on any price increase I can see until people start taking the actions required to reduce their consumption to a sustainable level. Buying the right car, driving it correctly, and getting >40mpg would be a start.
"Buying the right car, driving it correctly, and getting >40mpg would be a start"

The "right" car. By whose standard? Yours? It's just the regurgitated, politically correct standard of the political Left, of course.

"Driving it correctly". Well, the Leftist view doesn't get more politically correct than that, does it?

How about calling it what it is: namely, an AUTHORITARIAN MENTALITY. That puts the "correctness" part of the politics at front and center stage, doesn't it?

"Correctly"? Pretty damned ARROGANT to say so, by any measure.

RE: "fact, one of the biggest reasons I would like to see the price of gasoline rise is to encourage conservation, change people's attitudes about consumption, and reduce the trade deficit. I would have preferred that the price increases came from taxes instead of market forces, but I'll cheer on any price increase I can see until people start taking the actions required to reduce their consumption to a sustainable level."

Bullcrap. At least Frank Lee is honest about what he wants: he wants the world to be as it used to be. That's the essence of nostalgia. That's the emotional appeal of it. I have respect for the honesty of the admission of that.

Don't tell us it's all for the planet, or all for the nation, or all for the global economy, or whatever, any more than the entrenched educational bureaucracy in America is "all for the children".

Bad enough you urinate on my leg; But don't tell me it's raining.
Also, ThymeClock, let me jump ahead to the ad hominem attacks. You are a very sour person.
HA! This coming from someone who wants to penalize prosperity and its benefits, including increased mobility. Nooo sir! - We gotta keep those uppity people down, the sooner the better! They need to be made to suffer like we did, back in the bad ol' days! "They can come along for the ride - but they gotta sit in the back" It's retribution time! And be sure to tell them (and try to brainwash them) that they need never desire anything more than a meager way of life. And if that strategy doesn't work, impose it upon them. Hey, that's YOUR attitude, not mine!

The old adage about the political Left (Socialists/Communists, ultimately just a matter of degree) is true: Misery loves company. And the Leftists won't be happy until everyone is reduced to their proscribed, enforced, level of deprivation.

What could be more "sour" or mean spirited than wanting THAT???
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