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Old 04-27-2011, 04:00 AM   #197 (permalink)
Diesel Addict/No Cure
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StolenHoopty - '90 Honda Accord EX

HvyDrnkr - '93 Cadillac Seville
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At the end of the day, Left or Right does not matter. It never was about that anyway with the rich, because once you get past a certain economic threshold you can play both ends and make money. High fuel prices do not affect millionaires and billionaires, and most politicians who are bought and sold by them are rich as well. This has been all out class warfare on the middle class and poor. Wars are started by rich people and fought by poor and working class people. Most, if not all, economic policies benefit the top while crushing everyone below it. People who are in the same economic boat at the top do not fight each other; they do it on camera for the benefit of those who think there are philosophical and ideological differences, but really there aren't any. That's why on the one hand America vilifies dictatorships and Communism, while at the same time we owe and have given most our money to places that support both. The Chinese and other dictator style governments could not get a hold economically in this country unless there were people here that said it's ok and we will enter into agreements with you. No one put a gun to anyone's head and said "you have to do business with me or else." We didn't have to do any of the things that got us here. We really don't need anyone else if it came down to it. We have the talent and the resources, we have the work ethic. No one can take over this country from without, but it has been sold out from within.
While the working class and poor fight each other over arguments that always split people apart, the rich are laughing and making money and gaining more power. They don't want the majority ( which is us ) to snap out of it and come together and deal with them, because the day that happens, their reign of tyranny is over.
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