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Old 04-27-2011, 09:11 AM   #19 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: United States
Posts: 26

always seem to be in front of you - '03 VW Jetta Sportwagon
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I hear ya, wanna beCo, I should have pointed out that when I first bought the car I filled the tank and drained it twice...mostly to see what the "performance" of the car was and whether I could find anything mechanical that needed to be addressed immediately...not for mileage. Still, driving it hard I still got 29 mpg. ...same as my wife's 1.8L turbo gets.

Anyway...last Friday I filled the tank til the pump clicked off. Currently I've driven 340 miles and have just a needle-width under half tank left. Based on my schedule for the rest of the week I'll probably fill it again on Friday morning (unfortunately just in time for the stations to raise prices for the weekend, again). Based on experience, the gas left in the tank now will take me about another 125-140 miles.
I'll update when I fill it again...try to take a dashboard instrument picture too.
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