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Old 04-27-2011, 06:36 PM   #211 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cleanspeed1 View Post
Your last paragraph pretty much sums up my view. If you use your powers for good and have respect for those not as fortunate that's one thing; use it in an evil, destructive way, that's another.
The political Left sees government as a 'good' thing - and the bigger, the better. Conservatives see government as a necessary evil at best, and a constraint on freedom. But government continues to expand no matter which party is in office. What we have today is the primary concern of both political parties being that of maintaining and increasing the power of government. The Left supposedly favors the interests of the poor and the Right similarly favors the rich. But the way the game is actually played, after being elected to office, it amounts to mere campaign rhetoric. Either way, the interests of the middle class are often represented by neither party. Vote for whichever gang you want to be screwed by. That's what it amounts to.

Last time I checked, when corporations and government merge, it's called fascism.
roflwaffle responded: "You should check again..."

Cleanspeed is correct. 'Fascism' and 'fascist' are among the most misused and overused terms today. Fascism is essentially State syndication of capitalism. When Mussolini's experiment instituted Fascism (as that is where the term originates) he was praised by both the Left and the Right worldwide in newspapers proclaiming his regime of efficiency the most wonderful idea in all of history. Unfortunately, both Italy and Germany quickly evolved into brutal totalitarian states. History and the original concept of what it is does pertain.

However, today the term 'fascist' is used as an all-purpose pejorative label to describe anyone whom you might find disagreeable.

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