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Old 04-29-2011, 02:24 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Just bought a Metro (automatic) ... 27 mpg ... WTf is going on!

Wow ok well ive had my 94 Geo Metro automatic for about 3 weeks now and i`m very very disapointed in my MPG, can someone please explain to me why i only got 27mpg in a damn Metro! no joke i drive this thing slower than a grandma and never go above 40 or 45 mph on the highway. i barely barely tap the gas pedal to accelerate and consistently do this. can someone please help me here, is it maybe the fact that i have to go up a 600 foot hill everyday?
Let me also add that its 106k miles and had the engine rebuilt about a week ago.
Thank you

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