Air deflector/bug shield
Hello all,
I don't think I have posted in the Aero forum before and I am not a very technical kinda guy so please bear with me.
I have a '97 Ford Ranger with a DIY upper grille block. The leading edge (?) of my hood is about 45* from vertical and the windshield is about 4' behind that and also about 45* from vertical. Not particularly aero in my mind but hey what do I know. That's why I'm asking here. Would/could it beneficial to fashoin an air deflector (sort of like the old bug deflectors) to help move the air across the hood and windshield and over the cab more efficiently? An angle trying to hit the top of the cab or possibly half way up the windshield. Not the deflector mind you, just the air flow. Something to help "smooth out" the air.
Thanks for the advice.