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Old 04-29-2011, 09:57 PM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Posts: 129

NinFo - '09 kawasaki ninja 250R
Thanks: 4
Thanked 5 Times in 4 Posts
dude, you have obviously already made up your mind about this. i am really not trying to make you mad, but if you aren't going to take any of our advice, then why did you post in the first place? just curious.

and yes, 75% of them are crap. are you really willing to take a chance at getting one of the good 25%? 2 grand is alot to throw away on a bike that wont have a resale value of 1/10 what you paid. sorry, but its true.

anyway, whatever you decide to get, i hope you are happy with it. i have seen several people get ahold of a crappy bike, and it wind up turning them off of mototrcycling. i hate to see that happen, motorcycles are too much fun.

Last edited by kawboyCAFE; 04-30-2011 at 03:22 AM..
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