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Old 05-01-2011, 02:20 PM   #2 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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My first reaction is probably yes but I don't know how the bike is wired so I can't say for sure.

What do you know about the injection system and speedometer? Do you have a wiring diagram for the bike?

Assuming it's a 125cc engine I presume it's a single cylinder with a single injector. If this is the case it should be easy to monitor the injector signal. Most likely it would require no modification to the MPGuino but there are some injector drive signals that require additional circuitry to be compatible with the MPGuino.

If there is an electronic speed signal it should be easy to connect to the MPGuino. If you have a cable driven speedometer chances are you will not have an electronic speed signal and may need to create one. There are ways to do this, it just takes a bit more effort.

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