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Old 05-01-2011, 09:02 PM   #12 (permalink)
ninja lurker
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Akron, Ohio
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a little post update. I have been at 24.2 mpg average for the last 3 tanks. the fuel leak when topped off has kept me from filling up last few times though. At 4.15 a gallon fuel leaks get pretty expensive!!!

in response to-

SentraSE-R; slowing down would help alot and it is the most cost effective modification but i just can't seem to find a wrench yet that fits the loose nut behind the steering wheel

MPGKing; it will be bought outright. I've given banks way to much of my money as-is.

CFG83; unfortunantly the drivers seat has started to break down and is getting uncomfortable. I'll be looking for a replacement seat soon.

Hip001; A TDi beetle would be great... If i had 5000$ to put on it. I had a '00 1.8t beetle 5spd and that car was a blast. and screw all the haters who say "girls car"

thanks so far guys. talk to you later
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