Thread: 1st mod
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Old 05-02-2011, 02:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Orange Country, CA
Posts: 102

Fiesta - '12 Ford Fiesta SE
90 day: 31.45 mpg (US)
Thanks: 36
Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts
1st mod

I finally had some time and found some good material to do a partial grill block. I used the clear plastic cover that is found on 3-ring binders. I found them lying around my house from a while ago, so didn't cost me anything I stapled them together and held the plastic to my car with zip-ties. Behind the front bumper I found loops to tie the ties around (almost as if that was there purpose haha). It took probably about a total of almost an hour, the hardest part was covering the fog lights, there's a deep recession where they go, so I did the best I could with them. When I was done attaching everything to my car i duct taped where the plastic overlapped to make the surface smoother. It was somewhat difficult, it is all held to my car with zip-ties, so there's no tape touching my car, which is nice cuz it would destroy my paint haha.
Here's a picture what the car looks like (not my actual car) I'll try to get a picture of it tomorrow to post here. I just covered the bottom opening.

My parents... ugh my parents they don't like me doing these kind of things to my car, not even talk about it! so I have to take it down soon, especially cuz my sister has to take her driving test in my car cuz the van my parents use isn't up to par. This was still good experience for me though, I plan on buying coroplast, probably from home depot, and make a more permanent block.

I just got my Ultragauge yesterday, but I noticed about a 3-5 mpg gain after the mod, which makes me very

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